Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Easter Trivia

A lot of people are talking about how early Easter is this year. I mean, in Minnesota we just got a couple of inches of snow. But I didn't know this information, originally posted on the Luther College website:

Easter is early this year. Easter is always the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring Equinox, March 20. This dating of Easter is based on the lunar calendar that Hebrew people used to identify Passover, which is why it moves around on our Roman calendar.

This year is the earliest Easter any of us will ever see the rest of our lives. Only those 95 and above have ever seen it this early. And none of us have ever, or will ever, see it a day earlier. Here are the facts:

· The next time Easter will be this early (March 23) will be the year 2228. The last time it was this early was 1913.
· The next time it will be March 22, will be in the year 2285. The last time it was on March 22 was 1818.

We won't ever have to complain about Easter coming early ever again.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I've Been Removed

I was reading some other blogs today, and happened upon a friend's blog: http://playcatchupwithcate.blogspot.com/ She cleaned me out of her links list, evidently because I haven't posted since 21 February. But, I have an excuse-I was for the past 2 weeks involved in my final opera of the 2007-2008 Minnesota Opera season.

The Fortunes of King Croesus. What can I say? First, the music is beautiful, and was sung by some of the best voices I've heard in a long time. It really was an experience to have every voice of such quality sing this overlooked piece. I hope it gains a place in the Baroque rep.

That being said, the rehearsal process was long and tiring. Not because we had so much to do-just the opposite. Long periods of time were spent sitting in the green room reading, knitting, and watching people play Dominoes. I lost my cool on the last night of tech, the final dress rehearsal, when we staged the bows. I said very loudly "this is taking longer than the staging of the chorus throughout the show." But I was being blasted by a very bad sinus headache, and wasn't in the mood to stand around and then be directed on how to leave the stage. Ugh.

I spent a lot of time knitting one of my nephews a sweater for NEXT Christmas (see previous post). It will be in pieces, and I'll have to find someone to put it together when I'm done. The body of the sweater is done in an English Rib Stitch-purl one row across, and then knit 1 purl 1 back. I was quite far along, when I discovered I made a mistake and the ribs weren't lining up-must have purled when I should have knit or vice versa. Anyway, the carrying on in the green room distracted me several times, so I think I ripped and started again at least 3 times. There are certain areas of the world one (or at least I) cannont knit which requires concentration: the green room at the Ordway Center in St Paul. Socks would be a good project in those conditions.

So now I'm going to be a recluse for a while. It's tough working all day, going to the theatre, and having to be "up" several nights a week. Couple that with losing an hour of sleep on Saturday night, and NO nap to make up for it on Sunday (a show that day), I am ready to sit on the couch in our den,knit or read, one of the cats looking for attention from me, and watch the lurid Eliot Spitzer story unfold.

Catch up with Cate--will you put me back on your links??