Thursday, February 14, 2008

Please Stand By

I was at St Paul's Episcopal church choir rehearsal last night, and several choristers asked when I was going to post again, (I didn't think anyone was reading this blog), including pictures from my 50th birthday party. And as Angie at pointed out, I am no longer approaching 5o-I am 5o. So a 3 day weekend is approaching, and scheduled events include a Minnesota Opera rehearsal Saturday morning, and a church service on Sunday. I will catch up on blogging, and learn how to post pics. I also intend to read and knit. BTW-am reading a fantastic book called Suite Francaise-not much action, but quite descriptive of how the French felt as the occupation of France began. The first part is called Storm In June and tells the story of how people from different walks of life deal with fleeing Paris. The second part is called Dolce, and is about how a small village develops relationships with its occupiers. I just started this part, so I hope to finish the novel this weekend. If I finish I can delve into one of the books I got for my birthday!

1 comment:

Cate said...

I am reading!!!
Thanks for posting.